English to Norwegian Meaning of turn - sving

Turn :

sving, terning, avlegger, gren, historie, endring, alternativ, bytte om, variasjon, bøyd, snu, bøye, tilbøyelighet, omvei, rotasjon, snurre, virvel, vind, tid, dagtid, varighet, tidspunkt, vendepunkt, vannskille, krise, punkt, avbøyning, klausul, rund, scene, periode, Echelon, generasjon, sjanger, stil, tilpasset, overholdelse, øve på, mentalitet, tendens, partiskhet, evne, skjev, anledning, hensikt, mål, forekomst, aksent, ondsinnet atferd, modus, skjema, vri seg, vri, kurve, hjørne, kryssing, kryss

sving, helomvending, vokse, falle, være, gå, få, vind, bøye, komme tilbake, rotere, rulleres, rundkjøring, hjul, endring, tilbakekalle, endre, vri, snurre rundt, gi tilbake, gå tilbake, overføre, alternere, byttehandel, divergere, Stray, ren, pervers, ansikt, se, konstruere, skjema, omfatte, utgjøre, bygge, forsurer, sur, gjengi, sett, modne, bli, ende i, sette, redusere, avslå, surmule, anelse, helling, synke, henge, Bue, bevise, rull, skifte, oversette, tolke, metafrase, etablere, satt i, plass, løpe, kjøre, lede, oppførsel, bevege seg, sende, adresse, utsendelse, forsendelse, streik, indikerer, koniske, kranse, vri seg, delta, akt, Merk, legge merke til, observere, søke om, bruk, utøve, satt til, dispensere, snelle, variere, omsetning

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Definitions of turn in English
Noun(1) a circular segment of a curve(2) the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course(3) (game(4) an unforeseen development(5) a movement in a new direction(6) the act of turning away or in the opposite direction(7) turning or twisting around (in place(8) a time period for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else(9) (sports(10) a short performance that is part of a longer program(11) a favor for someone(12) taking a short walk out and back
Verb(1) change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense(2) undergo a transformation or a change of position or action(3) undergo a change or development(4) cause to move around or rotate(5) change to the contrary(6) pass to the other side of(7) pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become(8) let (something(9) move around an axis or a center(10) cause to move around a center so as to show another side of(11) to send or let go(12) to break and turn over earth especially with a plow(13) shape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheel(14) change color(15) twist suddenly so as to sprain(16) cause to change or turn into something different;assume new characteristics
Examples of turn in English
(1) turn the oven to 200Ôö¼Ôûæ(2) With summer now a memory, and the leaves beginning to turn , its time to prepare to put your boat away for the winter.(3) The engine stirred after the third turn of the key, emitting the guttural gurgle of a badly tuned rally car.(4) In 1993, at the age of 81, Gunnar made himself a wood lathe specifically to turn spheres.(5) they were asked to turn their cards face down(6) it gave me quite a turn!(7) When it got to this point in the game, this was the only time John could go out and turn everything loose.(8) To many in Scotland, Smith is just a comic turn and it's often taken outsiders to recognise her ability to do more than just drop one-liners.(9) she had a nasty turn in the middle of the night(10) However, around the turn of the 15th century, the practice began of having a small chorus sing polyphonically.(11) Industry observers say that the sudden turn of events in the industry has to be assimilated with a note of caution.(12) Do up all buttons, snaps, zippers, etc. before washing and turn the garment inside out.(13) Events in the office continue to take a turn for the surreal.(14) Michael J Fox does a good turn as the voice of Milo, and James Garner's Rourke is evil enough to be engaging.(15) Not wanting to be embarrassed, I shot a 47 on the front nine and really bore down after the turn .(16) They were still active in Central Otago after the turn of the century.
Related Phrases of turn
(1) turn on ::
Slå på
(2) turn right ::
ta til høyre
(3) in turn ::
(4) turn left ::
ta til venstre
(5) turn over ::
snu seg
1. rotation ::
2. change of direction ::
endring av retningen
3. bend ::
4. opportunity ::
5. service ::
6. bout ::
7. twist ::
8. play ::
9. spell ::
10. turn of events ::
11. bit ::
12. turning ::
13. crook ::
14. good turn ::
god tur
16. change direction ::
endre retning
17. bend ::
18. aim at ::
sikte på
19. sprain ::
20. become ::
21. convert ::
22. reach ::
å nå
23. take up ::
ta opp
24. move on to ::
gå videre til
25. move around ::
flytte rundt
26. release ::
27. plow ::
28. reverse ::
29. call on ::
kalle på
30. turn over ::
snu seg
31. ferment ::
32. wrench ::
33. grow ::
Different Forms
turn, turned, turns
Word Example from TV Shows
It almost makes up for the incredibly
awkward turn things took earlier.

It almost makes up for the incredibly awkward TURN things took earlier.

The Big Bang Theory Season 10, Episode 6

And turn the bedroom floor

And TURN the bedroom floor

The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 11

Winterfell is 1,000 miles away from here.
The weather has already begun to turn.

Winterfell is 1,000 miles away from here. The weather has already begun to TURN.

Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 6

Turn away,
and then turn back into it.

Turn away, and then TURN back into it.

The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 4

If we turn the dragons loose,

If we TURN the dragons loose,

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 2

English to Norwegian Dictionary: turn

Meaning and definitions of turn, translation in Norwegian language for turn with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of turn in Norwegian and in English language.

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